Our Pastors are here for you.

We are led by Pastor Leray Glendenning and Pastor Stephen Sickels.

Lead Pastor

Leray Glendenning

Leray has lead the pastoral staff and ministry team at Greater Life since it’s beginning in 2002. At the early age of eight, he received a call to ministry. While in college Leray married his high school sweetheart, Lesa. They later had three children. “Two words describe my passion for you: Life Transformation.” Leray loves to see people come to Christ, grow and discover the Greater Life that He gives. His personal mission comes from Isaiah 61: To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that the wounded will be healed, broken spirits mended, captives set free, blind eyes opened so that they may become oaks of righteousness, builders of destroyed cities, ministers and priests, wounded healers and parents of children who will be known as the children of those whom the Lord has blessed. “When do you want to meet for a Latte, coffee or Coke?”

Worship & Media Pastor

Stephen Sickels

Stephen has been the Creative Arts pastor at Greater Life since 2003. He's been involved in ministry with youth, music, education and arts for over 30 years. Stephen graduated from Southern Nazarene University in 2000 with a degree in Church Music with an emphasis in Music Performance. He and his wife Nicole are very active in the worship at GLC and have been in ministry together for 29 years. We firmly believe in Expressive worship and Creativity at GLC. "Join us on the journey."